Thursday, December 20, 2012

The happiest place on Earth.

So...we finally did it. We took Chloe to Disneyland!! We have been wanting to go to Disneyland for the longesstttt time but have been afraid that she was too small and wouldn't enjoy it or would just be crying the entire time and we'd have nothing to do. We finally stopped talking about it and just bought our tickets and went!

How was it you ask? rained. Yes, maybe just buying the tickets and going was not the best idea and a little planning and a good look at mother nature would of helped BUT overall I think the trip was a success.

Obviously, since I took my daughter once to a theme park I am now an expert on the subject and fully qualified to give tips and advise  :) so if I had to give any tips, these are my top 3.

1. Let the child set the pace. I think this helped us have a mostly grumpy free trip.  We let Chlobear take her nap at the usual time in the morning and home she only naps once a day at Disneyland she took an afternoon nap...and all was OK with the world. When she seemed tired, I would just walk around with her in the stroller letting her see things and when she seemed energized that's when we took advantage and went on rides and such.

2. Take it easy. Yes, I know there is A LOT to do at Disneyland and most of us try to do it all to make the most of the visit! however with a kid I found it a lot easier on all of us to just pick and choose the activities. There were some things we didn't get to ride and that's least we didn't wear ourselves out!

3. DISNEY JR. LIVE! enough said.

I won't sit here on my beautiful high horse and claim to have had a wonderful problem free visit. I have a 15 month old toddler and lately putting her in the stroller is the worst thing in the world in her eyes. OVERALL good trip, can't wait to do it again (minus the rain!)

Here are some pictures (and Tot school is on a winter break, while I prepare Chloe's room into a tot school friendly area, and get around to making some posters and learning material for a more formal instruction)

There's Mickey in the back! With a line that went around the building! = not worth it.

Enjoying her 1st Visit pin. (You can ask for one at City hall)

Getting Warm by Mickey's fire place

 Playing with all the fun things that Toontown has to offer!

The not so easy moments...

Admiring Mickey's Garden!

 Yes, we do the "Leash".

We're from California! We over-react to the cold :)

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