Sunday, March 15, 2015

Experience God

One of my favorite features of the Mother Goose Time curriculum has been the "Experience God" Add-on. Since this is an add-on it is not included in the core Mother Goose Time box but if you are interested you can learn more about it here >> Mother Goose Time- Experience God
I am always trying to find ways to make God an integral part of our lives and not just a Sunday thing and this program has helped me so much. It can either be used as a Sunday School curriculum or incorporated into your normal routine. We have been doing this once a week. 

Friday, March 6, 2015

Blast off!


It is Thursday night now and we have just finished our 4th day of Mother Goose Time. So far we have nothing but great things to say!

The first success is the fact that we have gone 4 days straight without missing a day - very rare around here. Even when one night I had to stay at work later than normal, I was able to come home and still complete the lesson since like I mentioned in my MGT post - this is extremely easy to use.

I have also been extremely surprised at some of the answers Chloe gives me to the questions - kids know so much more than we give them credit for.