Monday, July 27, 2015

Professionalism in homeschooling?

Although I homeschool and professionalism isn’t a big deal, I love the fact that Mother Goose time makes me feel professional. Keeps me in track during the month and also keeps us on schedule.

Before Mother Goose time came along we used to be sort of inconsistent in our homeschooling time, we would skip days at a time or even change topics along the way if we weren’t very interested but Mother Goose time has for sure changed that for the best.

Having a thought out topic makes it so that we stick with that topic for the month and the number of activities makes it so that we don’t get bored of it. Best of all, we don’t want to miss days because we are afraid we might miss something totally awesome! If something does come up and we HAVE to skip a day we always make it up instead of skipping it all together which would have totally happened before.

The curriculum totally allows for flexibility, which lets you be as strict or as easy going as you feel like. Sometimes Chloe and I are very formal in our schooling and there are just some days we take things at a slower pace and wear PJS! Mother Goose time absolutely works for both ways. Works perfectly in a formal classroom setting or homeschools alike!

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