Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Outdoor school

I can't wait for summer to end. I don't like the heat...and even though winter for us here in Southern California means high 70s, I'll take whatever I can get. The one good thing about Summer is the long days, we are able to go outside after dinner and still enjoy plenty of daylight left. 

Day 2 of our Mother Goose Time August theme (Fables and Folktales) sent us outside to gather sticks. The point of the activity was to find sticks and have Chloe try to break as many as she could at once. Chloe wasn't very adventurous and the most she tried at once was 2 before her hand hurt. 

She did really enjoy being able to go find the sticks and gathered around 10 all of different sizes.

The stick activity then turned into more outdoor fun. 

We brought out the magnifying glass and stalked a few ants

After a long while of being silly and enjoying the outdoors.

We headed back inside - this included PLAY-DOUGH!! Anything that has Chloe playing with Play-dough is a huge hit in our house. This wasn't the exception.

You can see how into it she was. 

My favorite part of the whole day was asking Chloe questions about the Bundle of Sticks story we read. She didn't seem to be paying much attention as I was reading so I asked the questions thinking I could turn it into an "I told you so" moment about listening but instead she answered all the questions! I guess she showed me. haha.

I know I haven't mentioned this but Mother Goose Time just offers such a variety in activities, it feels like every single day is different. Keeps things fun and fresh - we never know what to expect! You can also make it fit your life. It can easily be done outside, inside, on the road. The possibilities are there for the taking! 

Lastly, let me dry my tears and share this with you:


Visit Mother Goose Time here: HERE 

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