Sunday, March 15, 2015

Experience God

One of my favorite features of the Mother Goose Time curriculum has been the "Experience God" Add-on. Since this is an add-on it is not included in the core Mother Goose Time box but if you are interested you can learn more about it here >> Mother Goose Time- Experience God
I am always trying to find ways to make God an integral part of our lives and not just a Sunday thing and this program has helped me so much. It can either be used as a Sunday School curriculum or incorporated into your normal routine. We have been doing this once a week. 

We start out with a prayer asking God to help us focus and understand the message.
 (Bad mommy should have been praying along and NOT taking pictures)

Each month comes with a memory verse that I put on the wall along with all the other monthly graphics that come with the regular curriculum.

This is what the teachers guide looks like. 

- The Story cards-

The story comes with colorful story cards that are easy and quick to read- this is a lot of help when trying to keep the attention of a Threenager. 

Chloe's favorite part is always the crafts and the Experience God curriculum comes with 4 crafts a month.

We have been enjoying the Experience God add-on, we make it extra special by inviting Dad to the mix (forgot to include him in the pictures). This has been a blessing for the family. We enjoy the time spent and the solid story that is included and Chloe has such a great time putting together the crafts. I highly recommend this add- on for any family that is looking to include God in their homeschooling. 

- Josy

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