Thursday, April 4, 2013

Inexperienced a Toddler

So next weekend we are going our on very needed vacation to Hawaii! I must admit...I am extremely terrified of flying with a Toddler. I have had my share of travel but it has usually been weekend trips to England for soccer games (don't won't understand and you'll just think I'm weird) which required no preparation.

So I thought I'd entertain you pros with my ROOKIE LIST.  This is a list of the things I have so far purchased for my trip...feel free to point and laugh. The point is that after the trip I will let you guys know what really is needed and what I should of saved my money on!


This year was Chloe's 2nd Easter but the first she actually knew what was going on. On Saturday we had a wonderful time with our friends from our Working Parents Meet up group. We had an early morning Egg hunt with lots of eggs and lots of kids all around the same age, There wasn't much hiding of the eggs it was mainly just lay them out in plain sight and hope they didn't take 4 hours to put them into their baskets. The kids had a blast and I hope the parents did to cause I sure did!