How was it you ask? rained. Yes, maybe just buying the tickets and going was not the best idea and a little planning and a good look at mother nature would of helped BUT overall I think the trip was a success.
Obviously, since I took my daughter once to a theme park I am now an expert on the subject and fully qualified to give tips and advise :) so if I had to give any tips, these are my top 3.
1. Let the child set the pace. I think this helped us have a mostly grumpy free trip. We let Chlobear take her nap at the usual time in the morning and home she only naps once a day at Disneyland she took an afternoon nap...and all was OK with the world. When she seemed tired, I would just walk around with her in the stroller letting her see things and when she seemed energized that's when we took advantage and went on rides and such.