Thursday, December 20, 2012

The happiest place on Earth.

So...we finally did it. We took Chloe to Disneyland!! We have been wanting to go to Disneyland for the longesstttt time but have been afraid that she was too small and wouldn't enjoy it or would just be crying the entire time and we'd have nothing to do. We finally stopped talking about it and just bought our tickets and went!

How was it you ask? rained. Yes, maybe just buying the tickets and going was not the best idea and a little planning and a good look at mother nature would of helped BUT overall I think the trip was a success.

Obviously, since I took my daughter once to a theme park I am now an expert on the subject and fully qualified to give tips and advise  :) so if I had to give any tips, these are my top 3.

1. Let the child set the pace. I think this helped us have a mostly grumpy free trip.  We let Chlobear take her nap at the usual time in the morning and home she only naps once a day at Disneyland she took an afternoon nap...and all was OK with the world. When she seemed tired, I would just walk around with her in the stroller letting her see things and when she seemed energized that's when we took advantage and went on rides and such.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Working Mom problems

I am a working mom, I don't have the privilege to spend my day with my baby girl and for the most part I have gotten pretty used to it...but not DR. APPOINTMENTS.  I have been lucky to so far not miss one appointment and I try really hard to schedule them at times I know I will be able to make.

Chloe turned 15 months recently and with that comes an check up and shots. She is on a delayed vaccine schedule so we haven't had shots since she was 10 months, however for 15 months she is scheduled to get 3. There was a bit of a schedule conflict at work and I thought I was going to have to ask my mom to take her for me. I wanted to cry at the thought. Yes, my mom is wonderful with her...but ...she's not me.....I already miss most her day, most her special moments and I want to be there to be the one to give her comfort after the mean Dr. makes her cry. I want to be there to hear everything the DR. has to say and ask all the right questions. I want to be there to make sure that only the shots I want are given (this is the hardest one.) I couldn't find peace in the decision of having someone else take my baby to the DR.  well...Luckily I will be able to taker her after all but to be honest I was taken by surprise by just how much the thought of not being there for her bothered me.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Tooth care!

My daughter is now 15 months old ( 1 day and 4 hrs) I have been thinking of the right time to start brushing teeth and realized that I was actually getting a late start in the process! Thank you to the ladies of the Sept 12' baby board on baby center for making me realize...they have all being brushing teeth for awhile!

I was a bit afraid to try it since Chloe is very independent and I assumed would just try to do it herself and not let me do anything BUT I was wrong.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

In love.

I am now in love with "Tot School", or maybe I am in love with the look on my Chlo bears face when she is trying to figure something out...or just in love with Chlo bear period. Either way, with only 2 days of Tot school I have already had great fun and so has Chloe.

On Friday we headed to Michaels and stocked up on supplies. I must apologize to anyone that had to witness me acting like a 5 year old at Disneyland when I found plastic trays. I have seen the trays pop up on all the websites I have been visiting for inspiration so I figured they are a very important part to the process and thought I was going to have to order online and...wait....for shipping. One thing I think you will quickly learn about me is how impatient I can really be. It's awful. Ask my husband. So finding the trays without having to wait made my day! I told my husband I was going for a few starters and ended up with a cart full! Still I must say I was pleasantly surprised with the $$ I spent as I expected a far worse fate.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

School is in session!

Well, As you may have (or not..) noticed I have changed the name , look and pretty much the entire purpose of this blog.  I will now be using this website to talk about my TOT SCHOOL! THAT'S RIGHT! this lady right here ::points at self:: is gonna start Tot school with my Chlo Bear! Now I won't pretend to know what I am doing cause I have no real clue but hey, you can join me in my journey to figure it out in?!

We already do education toys around here...Let me show you..

Friday, October 26, 2012

Welcome to my world!

Hello! Welcome to my crazy little world, I have 2 full time at a desk and one as a mommy! Please join me as I try to find a balance in life or at least join me so you can laugh watching me struggle! whichever it may be....Thanks for reading!

These two...down there...are my babies...My fur baby Bruce who is probably not the smartest Dog in the world but I am pretty sure ranks up there in one of the cutest...and my Chlo Bear! She is 14 (almost 15) months and she is a ball full of everything that is ever good in life put into this little package..and then sometimes the little not as pleasant toddler takes over...I love her then too...but the package of goodness is a lot funner to deal with!